Pricing and Packages

The cost will vary according to the complexity and scope of the project. Airshots will always provide a fixed price quote for all work once briefed and a remote survey and risk assessment has been carried out. So to get a fix on the cost for your project either fill out the form below.

Every project starts with a verbal or written brief from you which – results in the following:-

  • A written method statement is produced to meet the brief.
  • A remote survey is undertaken to map out the project site and the surrounding area.
  • Government and airport resources are interrogated for relevant air notifications and warnings.
  • A list of emergency contacts, including airports, aerodromes, glider sites and military bases, police and nearest hospitals is produced.
  • A weather monitor is established to identify fly or no-fly days.
  • The site plan is used to identify and mitigate all risks.
  • A remote risk assessment is produced.
  • Further permissions, if needed, are gathered and documented once the project is approved.
  • A further site survey and an additional risk assessment is undertaken on flight day.

Any additional costs, such as excess travel, accommodation and specialist permissions will be notified in advance before a flight.

Ways to look at your project

You will probably find it difficult to estimate the time needed to complete a flight but a phone call or written brief will help us help you but in the meantime be aware that we charge out our time in a variety of ways.

We may look at a project in simplistic terms and be able to allocate the project a set number of minutes in the air. That could be a 10 minute flight or it could be multiples of 10 minutes. Another option is to go with a time-flexible approach and take part of the day as the base unit; so a quarter day (2 hours), a half day (4 hours) or a full day (8 hours) may be the better option for your project. We also have a ‘seasonal’ system for those clients who want repeat visits during different periods of the year – typically these are full day projects that are repeated once or twice more during the year.

To know what method can and will be used requires more information from you. So fill out the form and give us as much detail as you can and we will get back to you as soon as we can, typically less than 48 hours.

Video production

Video editing is the most asked for extra but it is also the hardest to price until all the variables are understood. There are a whole lot of different things that will determine the final cost of a video edit, such as:

  • total raw footage duration
  • total duration of the finished edit
  • motion graphics requests
  • text overlays
  • colour grading
  • image stabilisation
  • music or narration requirements
  • and the level of complexity of the work in general.

As a guide you can assume that to produce a finished 1 minute video will often start with 1 hour of material and on average around 5 hours of time to cut, splice, colour grade and output. So at £100 per hour, a 20 second to 1 minute video, could cost around £500.

Get a quote and brief us

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